Malgrate Castle

The castle

Malgrate Castle sits majestically on top of the hill overlooking the valley of the river Bagnone, in the municipality of Villafranca in Lunigiana. Its striking 25-meter tall round tower can be observed from far away and gives the surrounding town a special, romantic look. The castle is a classic medieval fortress, built in the 14th century first and foremost to control the communication routes between the Apennine mountains and the nearby Garfagnana area. It was in the possession of the Malaspina family for several centuries, until the family’s last heir sold it to the Milan Duchy after which it changed owner several times.

The castle in modern times

Unfortunately Malgrate Castle hasn’t remained immune to the passing of time. It has undergone destruction, reconstruction, and renovation throughout the centuries. Its current appearance is the result of the latest works, which mainly concerned the exterior of the building. Few original details remain of the interior rooms and furnishings. Often used as a location for weddings, the castle is not generally open to the public. We recommend to check at the Villafranca in Lunigiana tourist office about possible visits to the castle.