About me

My name is Myra Stals and I was born and raised in the small town of Hulst (Netherlands). After finishing my studies in Italian Language and Culture at the University of Utrecht, I decided to follow my passion for everything Italy and move to Florence for a European Voluntary Service experience. I worked as a volunteer for 9 months in the Communication Office of the municipality (in the beautiful Palazzo Vecchio, that’s right!), which is how I started working in the field of Communication.

I ended up staying in Florence for more than 6 years, living some of the best years of my life in the Renaissance city, tasting its flavours and immersing myself in Tuscan traditions and customs. Speaking fluent Italian helped me integrate into the local community, while my work as Social Media Editor for Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici and as Academic Coordinator for Marist College also allowed me to keep my English up to date.

In search of freedom

Always on the lookout for new challenges and new projects, after 6 years in Florence I decided it was time for a change. A big change. In 2016 I left my work and ventured on a 4-month long bicycle trip through Europe. I crossed 18 different countries, basically everywhere between Albania and Finland. It was as much a personal journey as it was a physical one, and I came back to Florence a new person. After this initial bicycle trip, more followed, because I can tell you: travelling by bicycle across unknown lands is incredibly addictive!

In 2019 my bicycle trips developed into an environmental initiative: Cycle 2 Recycle. I exchanged my hybrid bike for a cargo bicycle, and along the way started picking up plastic waste in order to raise awareness about the huge problem that is plastic pollution. In 2020 the second edition of Cycle 2 Recyle took place, and because of the covid pandemic I decided to cross the entire Italian peninsula. Because unfortunately, as beautiful as Italy is, it’s also very much polluted and awareness about the useless consumption of disposable plastic is still incredibly low.

Thanks to my journey along the Via Francigena pilgrimage route in 2020 I then started working as Content Manager for the European Association of the Via Francigena. In the summer of 2021 I had to honour of being the face of the Association’s 20th anniversary event: a relay march on foot along the entire 3200km of the Via Francigena, from Canterbury all the way to the southern tip of Puglia: Santa Maria di Leuca. For four months I was on the road, crossing Europe on foot step by step, documenting every moment of it for the Association’s communication channels. This incredible journey was also covered in the Road to Rome docufilm.

Lunigiana: a love story

In 2020 I crossed the Lunigiana territory for the very first time: my Cycle 2 Recycle bicycle trip along the Via Francigena led me through the area from the Cisa Pass down to Pontremoli and on towards Aulla and the coast. Exactly one year later I followed the same Via Francigena, but this time on foot. And that’s when it hit me: I was travelling through an amazing territory that had remained completely hidden from tourist masses. I immediately knew: I am going to move here.

It took me a while, but in March 2023 I managed to find a cute little house in the municipality of Villafranca in Lunigiana, which I am currently in the process of renovating. In the meantime, as a brand new lunigianese, I am happy to have started to explore and discover these news lands that soon I’ll be able to call home.


We Love Lunigiana is a brand-new project I have started as a promotional tool to introduce (foreign) Italy lovers to this unknown area of Tuscany. Unfortunately, also because of its geographical position, the Lunigiana is one of those “forgotten” territories that tend to remain underdeveloped and are economically struggling despite their huge potential.

I am currently working on several promotional projects for which I have already identified (potential) partners and collaborators. But since I’m always on the lookout for new partnerships, I would love to hear from you! Please fill out the contact form below if you want to know more about my projects for the Lunigiana, and I’ll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Myra We Love Lunigiana